Orlando, 2011. We are "Laskar Nusantara" (picture by: Afshan Javid,our friend from India)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Radiv's Opinion and Thoughts about Osama bin Laden's Death

That Sunday night we were watching the show "60 Minutes" and like fifteen minutes before the show ends, as it was told on TV channel there will be U.S.A.'s big development that came from USA special forces in the hunt of Osama bin Laden. As it was told, President Obama is going to give his speech about what is actually going on and he is going to confirm it to the news channel in America and indeed, all over the world. "Bin Laden is dead". That is the big development they were talking about. It is such a huge thing for the United States and its people. I saw in the news people are outside somewhere else in Washington D.C. are jubilant after hearing President Obama says that huge thing for Americans. Ten years of hunting is finally over now. The mass murderer of the 9/11 as its called now "Ground Zero" has been killed by US special forces down in Pakistan. Yet, as many people have lot of different opinion and thoughts about bin Laden's death, so do i. I do have my own opinion and thoughts about this big development from the USA.

"Bin Laden was not a Muslim leader, he was a mass murderer of Muslims" says President Obama. this is the main point i am about to talk about. The day after that i was in Algebra class and I was listening to a freshmen kid says, "Islam is bad, they're murderer!". I was silent. Silence doesn't mean i don't care and react, i do think that if you are a smart and wise kind of people, you would've thought that Islam is not bad and we shouldn't blame Islam and Muslims and believe that Osama is a bad Muslim and don't mean that the entire Muslims all over the world are bad too. Then if they think that the cause of a Muslim terrorist with a devastating airplane suicide at ground zero and you suspect all Muslims are bad and murderer, so they're not smart people nor wise people. I mean, grow up man! Besides, Obama says in his speech that this is not a war against Islam. Well for that freshmen kid in my algebra class is just a small example.

Have you seen the movie "My Name is Khan" ? It may tell you a lot about 9/11 and you can learn many things about Muslim too. And then, about the people are jubilant about someone else's death would never ever be a nice to celebrate like that. I realize. Osama had caused 3000 people killed in the World Trade Center, NYC. It is exactly a really bad thing. I mean, don't let avenger in your self grows too over about this. The mass murderer and the most wanted terrorist has been killed and we should thank to the US special forces in Pakistan who did excellent job. The hunting is finally over. And may the victims of 9/11 rest in peace and the family of the victims will be satisfied enough with bin Laden's death though it can't revive someone from death.

I am still wondering why the US threw Osama's dead body to the sea. I still can't understand. I thought they're going to bury him as a human is supposed to buried. I still don't understand. I mean is this a human's right? I recognize America as a human's right nation in the world. I am honestly disappointed by this.

That is it. This is my opinion and thought. I really appreciate what the USA has done and finally kill the world's most wanted terrorist. And don't let terrorism seize innocent's people life again. Don't let it happen again. As the people of the world, lets stand together in support of the WORLD PEACE!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Dear America

Dear America
By Radiv Annaba
Sometimes I blame the time why it goes so fast like an airplane. I feel these merely 9 months I’ve been through my exchange year, its going so fast! However, I have been experiencing many things and I’ve been learning many things as well.  Being an exchange student is such an unforgettable moments in my entire life. Being an exchange student for me, its like you represent your home country, its like a journey of finding who you actually are, its like you are going to have so much adventure, its like you can see the world more widely!
Let me ‘time travel’ back to the time before I came to the United States as an exchange student.  My English was not really good specially in speaking skill, I couldn’t play any music instrument, I couldn’t dance, I couldn’t interact with people that well, I never flew with such an airplane, I was only dreaming about having many friends throughout the world, I never won any precious competition.
Then we come back to ‘now’ time.  I’ve done many things during my exchange year in the USA. There are some examples about what I’ve learn so far and most of them are something new for me and really beneficial as well
Learn How to See the World More Widely
Living with the host family, American family pretty often makes me learn how to adjust with different kind of people. Then go to American High School and met new friends and exactly with different kind of characteristics. I’m not only meeting new people from America but also all over the world. It is when the group of exchange students gathered, i meet new friends from many different countries! And I can tell now I have friends from every continent in the planet! In this case, I’ve learned that the world is large and many other different things out there, different people, different culture.
My English Becomes So Much Better
By speaking English every day, I’ve upgraded my English skill specially in speaking. Now I don’t need to put caption or subtitles while I am watching Hollywood movies. And I’ve dreamed in English multiple times!
I am taking guitar class at my school. I didn’t know how to play guitar that well so I take this guitar class. I really love this class and now I am so good at guitar and I’ve performed some songs in front of the class and got really good appreciation from my guitar teacher, he says “Radiv, the song you played made my day, I smiled all day long”.  Guitar is not the only one in art section that I like, since 2 weeks ago I’ve been taking hip hop class. I am taking 4 classes of hip hop which is I believe it is also part of American experience to dance hip hop.

Tour Guide?
I live in such big city, Portland, Oregon. Portland is a metropolis and the biggest city in Oregon. One thing I like in Portland is the public transportation system. They have really good public transportation and I’ve learned so quickly how to go to anyplace I want by bus, MAX (electric train), and streetcar (electric train for short distance). Even when I have friends come visit to Portland, I take them to go around city of Portland with the public transportation. I’m kind of being tour guide, huh?
My leadership skill is eventually built so much better during my exchange year. More over when I won the BUBW conference in Orlando, Florida. There, during the conference, I’ve learned many things in leadership and I got so much new knowledge that I have not known before. And at that time I’ve promised to share whatever I got here, my experiences, my knowledge, and everything beneficial to the others specially the youth so they can be inspired and given the energy of what I call, The Indonesian Dream.
I think that’s pretty much I can share for now. However, there are many others I really want to share but I believe those are the best ones. I really enjoy my exchange year and I want to be the part of the World Changer!

Green Darner Dragonfly

Radiv Annaba


Period 6

Green Darner Dragonfly

Anax Junius

Dragonflies actually look like helicopters or you can say helicopters are inspired from the shape of Dragonflies. Green Darner Dragonfly has green color and sometimes combined with other color so it can make some kind of pattern of color. It has four transparent wings. The wings themselves are really smooth, transparent and light so the Green Darner Dragonfly can float in the air by swinging their wings. Green Darner Dragonfly also has huge eyes.

Green Darner Dragonflies are found throughout North and South America, the West Indies and Asia. And there is certain type of Green Darner Dragonfly found in Hawaii that has a green thorax and blue abdomen rides the thermals Waimea Canyon.

Green Darner Dragonfly is usually found and hanging around ponds and slow stream. It also can be found around the rice fields in the South East Asia. Typically found at an altitude of 0 to 5,478 meters.

Green Darner Dragonfly is a predator. They prey other insects or bugs which are smaller than their size. Adults hunt while airborne over sunny fields and meadows, preying on midges, mosquitoes, caddisflies and other flying insects

It keeps the food chain by eating small bugs or insects that can destroy the plants’ leaves or flowers. Also dragonfly eats mosquitoes that can be dangerous and annoying for human.

There are some facts that can be interesting in Green Darner Dragonfly. Green Darner Dragonfly are usually nicknamed darning needles, mosquito hawks, and Lord of June. Enabled by their excellent flight capabilities and nearly 360-degree eyesight, dragonflies easily capture and kill prey larger than themselves. The Green Darner can fly at speeds exceeding 50 miles per hour. Dragonflies are among the most ancient of living creatures. Fossil records, clearly recognizable as the ancestors of our present day odonates, go back to Carboniferous times which means that the insects were flying more than 300 million years ago, predating dinosaurs by over 100 million years and birds by some 150 million. Dragonfly sex involves one very unusual step: before mating, the male must transfer sperm from his sperm-producing genitals (located in segment 9, at the tip of his abdomen) to the accesory genitals located on segments 2 and 3, underneath his abdomen. These include a sperm resrvoir and a penis. Male dragonflies accomplish this transfer solo, before they attempt to copulate. This type of sperm transfer is unique to the Odonates among insects, although it is common in spiders.

Source : http://www.insects.org/entophiles/odon_003.html , http://www.cirrusimage.com/dragonfly_green_darner.htm, http://www.nsf.gov/news/special_reports/animals/textonly/dragonfly_quickfacts.jsp, http://zipcodezoo.com/Animals/A/Anax_junius/

Monday, April 18, 2011


Tepat pukul 11.53 bel berdering tanda jam ke 4 usai dan dilanjutkan dengan lunch. Karena hari ini saya nggak bawa lunch,well memang saya malas nyiapin lunch buat sekolah dan sarapan pun pagi ini cuma pake cereal rasa strawberry. Saya suka strawberry. Bergegaslah kutatih gitar dan kugapai ransel di bawah kursi dan keluar dari kelas computer science. Kemudian kuberjalan menuju perpustakaan sekolah untuk menulis artikel ini.

Jadi ceritanya tadi selama 50 menit di kelas computer science saya menganggur tidak melakukan satu hal pun karena saya nggak mudeng sama pelajarannya. Susah sekali memang membuat pemograman dari kode-kode hingga terbentuk suatu aplikasi semacam game dan hal-hal sains lainnya. I don’t like science, I’m just sayin. Terjadilah suatu momen klasik yang pasti sudah pernah dialami setiap orang di dunia, ‘ngelamun’ atau dalam bahasa resmi nya termenung. Tapi ngelamun lebih nyaman diucap bagi saya karena saya asli jawa yang sering di gojloki ibu begini “ojo ngelamun ae le!ndang dipangan iku sarapane” (jangan ngelamun saja,buruan dimakan tuh sarapan).

Karena saya hannya punya waktu 30 menit di perpustakaan sebelum bel tanda lunch berakhir berbunyi, jadi langsung saja saya bocorin buat kalian semua tadi saya ngelamun apa saja.

Jadi tadi saya ngelamun :

1. “Nanti saya bakal jadi penulis best seller nasional termuda dalam sejarah”

2. “novel negeri 5 menara memang bagus.ah nanti novel saya bakal seperti apa ya ?”

3. “pacar saya lagi UNAS”

4. “saya mulai suka bahasa inggris sejak kelas 5 SD”

5. “nanti pulang ke Indonesia mau beli gitar”

6. “duit saya di bank tinggal $126,itupun jatah bulan Mei”

7. “nanti sebelum pulang ke tanah air, potong rambut nggak ya?” (pikiran itu muncul setelah saya berpapasan dengan teman saya yg berdarah Amerika-Albania.

8. “nanti pulang sekolah masak indomie ah” (kebetulan stok indomie masih ada satu keranjang)

9. “taun depan saya kuliah.tapi di mana?”

10.”Saya ingin sukses, banggain ayah dan ibu lagi”

11. “Barcelona pasti bakal juara Liga Cempyen lagi”

12. “Aku ingin ke London”

Kira-kira 12 lamunan itu semua yang saya ingat atau bahkan lebih dari 12. Tapi kalian jangan sering-sering ngelamun ya! Karena kata nenek saya, ”ojo ngelamun ae engko kelebonan setan”. (jangan ngelamun saja, nanti kerasukan setan).

Radiv Annaba

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Indonesian Dream

The Indonesian Dream

            I wake up at 5 a.m. like usually. Shortly after that I go to the bathroom then  my family and I do the daily prayers in the morning that is called “salat subuh”. While my mom is preparing our breakfast, I am getting ready and get dressed with my “green and white” uniform. I want to comb my messy hair but unfortunately I can’t see my face in the mirror because I am too short. Then I move to my little brother’s room to comb my hair and get my self ready and tidy. I kind of look nice too!
            Today I am getting ready with my uniform not to go to school, meet teachers and friends and also meet math, science, and friends, but today I go to school with parents to attend the graduation and parents meeting. Finally I will graduate from elementary school. Seems like I am happy to get rid of this “green and white” uniform and be ready to turn it as “dark blue and white” uniform. In Indonesia, the elementary school’s uniform is usually “red and white” but my elementary school is a private-Islamic elementary school which has different uniform but actually we’re all the same elementary school’s kids. We have the same academic potential like others in the public elementary school with their “red and white” uniform. And after all we have the same dreams as our parents and teachers have taught us since when we were in kindergarten.
So anyways, I was 12 years old that time in the 6th grade. The elementary school in Indonesia is 6 years long. During those 6 years, I can tell I am such a bright student. You know what, from the 1st grade through the 6th grade I’ve never been below the top three of the class ranks. I am always in the top three. Yes I am a top three kid even one of the best in the entire school. I have never got beaten with my other classmates in the top three. Once I had never beaten from the 1st rank in the class from the 3rd grade through the first semester of the 6th grade. It is enough to show how bright I was.
In this graduation day, which is also the last semester and the last school report card. I finally got beaten by my friend from the first rank in the class and I went down to the 2nd rank. The ‘competition’ is finally over between me and my friends who want the 1st rank position.
Two months later I finally get accepted in the best public middle school in my city. I have passed through the selections to enroll that school. The school needs 200 new students and I am the 125th rank in the selection. This time I finally realize that many others that have smart brain like I think I was. Then it turns to a different story. Yes I am not an elementary school kid anymore. Now I attend to the best middle school in the entire city. However, I am not anymore a top three ranked kid like I used to be. Here I meet a lot of others that are smart and I can’t compete them. Everything has changed and I feel like I am the dumbest kid in this school. I feel underestimated all the time and I feel unconfident all the time watching other smart brained kids. I never constantly get good grades like I used to, now it is lots up and down. My parents have no idea about what is wrong with me and neither do i.
            I can tell that is the darkness during 3 years of middle school. Regardless, I have made friends and at least I already know a little about what is it supposed to be done in school besides grades.it is also all about friendship and the knowledge about life. I grow up mentally sometimes and still like I am the smallest kid in my ages. I eventually learn and realize that I don’t need to worry about grades, but worry about the process I get the good grades at school. And I realize I don’t need to be neither the smartest kid in the class nor a basket ball player who is always famous and girls like it. I believe I can do something else but what?

            The three years of middle school from the 7th grade through the 9th grade finally come to the end with the epic national examination. We are tested with final examination in the 9th grade with the following subjects : Science, Social Studies, Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language), math and English. I just want to tell you that I am so good at English since I was in the 6th grade. Then I get good grades in the national examination although my grades are not included the best in the school but I am happy for it.
            I decide to go to the high school out of town. I finally decide to go to an Islamic private boarding school. Deep in my little heart I want to make my parents feel proud of me and not disappointed anymore because of those dark 3 years in middle school. Study out of town and far with family makes me become stronger and more mature. I start to dream and not a common dream. I have big dreams like I want to come back as a top three ranked student in the class like I was 4 years ago. I want to join some competition and win some competition. The biggest dream I have is going abroad to study. Soon in the first year of high school I still have much difficulties to be the top three ranked student in the class but I feel I get better in something else. I start join competition like English debate and I have won 2 English debate competitions which is good for me. Now I know what is potential in my self. Then I am chosen as the vice leader of the student body in my school. Now I know my another potential thing is. I finally get my self back on track. I have helped my school to get prestige by joining and winning many competitions in city, and province level. I finally can give something for this school that helps me to come back and inspires me to dream big. I am not yet finished with that. In the second semester of the second year of high school, I join exchange student selection. And I really wish I can pass the selection and then my dream will come true to study abroad and make my parents really proud of me.  The selection takes almost 1 year an a half. And thanks God I finally did it. I have passed the regional level selection then I deserve to go to Jakarta to attend the final national selection to get the scholarship as an exchange student in the U.S.A.. I always tell my self “Don’t give up, dream big, do something big, you can do it, Radiv!”. I’ve got many support and I’ve been preparing and studying for this exchange student selection. In January 2010 I am officially selected as the national candidate of the exchange students and will represent Indonesia in the United States. I feel honor because there are 8,000 contestant and the only choose 125 students to finally can go abroad. I feel what I’ve done these 2 years to come back is worth it. I can finally make my parents proud of me again. One more time I did it! But its not the end of everything. I still eagerly want to do more to reach my dreams. The Indonesian dream. Now I am in the United States as the Indonesian exchange student. I am the young ambassador of my country. I will have 11 months of study in the United States. Adjusting, learning different culture, language, different kind of people, and food. I have done a lot of things in the United States even it makes me feel so “American” sometimes. I can see the world wider and realize that people in the world have many differences but still have many similarities as well. I still have big dreams and I will make them true like I have done. I hope I can inspire others especially youth to not give up. I wish I can inspire others to dream big and do something big because you will regret if you do nothing while you are young. I hope after reading this story you learn something and finally start to dream and believe that what you’re dreaming of will come true if you really do something and never give up.

Pesawat Terbang

Pukul 15.10 waktu setempat. Saya masih berada di kelas bahasa Inggris pada jam ke 7. Disebelah saya si Daniel sedang sibuk dengan iphone nya. Sedangkan di belakang saya, Schaar,Iiro,Jack,Sean,dan AJ sedang mengobrol dan bercanda. Tepat di depan saya ada 4 bangku kosong di mana Kathleen,Kayla,Robert, dan Will sedang absen hari ini. Oiya, kelas ini menggunakan pola tempat duduk berbentuk huruf “U”. Dan saya berada di salah satu deret yang saling berhadapan. Di Kelas bahasa Inggris saya cukup kenal banyak teman Karena kelas ini hanya untuk seniors (kelas 12) dan semuanya seumuran. Untuk hari ini, Ms. Janet Dakin meminta murid-muridnya untuk membuat outline essay yang akan kita jadikan sebagai tugas kelas di hari kamis nanti. Boro-boro outline, sebiji ide pun tak kunjung kudapat. Kemudian tiba-tiba muncullah di benak dua patah kata, “Pesawat Terbang”. Bel pun tak kunjung berdering karena hari bel sedang rusak dan digantikan oleh dering telepon yang disediakan di setiap kelas. 15.15 “bel” tanda pelajaran berakhir pun berdering. Sejenak kulihat ke luar via jendela kelas sebelum kutatih gitar tuk dibawa pulang, cuaca cukup cerah di luar. Dalam hati pun berkata “tumben Portland cerah.biasanya juga basah hujan terus” dan itupun dalam bahasa Inggris.hehe.

            Kuputuskan untuk tidak langsung pulang ke rumah. Saya pun berbelok ke halte yang bukan di seberang jalan di mana tempat biasanya saya menunggu bus untuk pulang ke rumah. Berhentilah saya di halte bus yang menuju arah downtown Portland. Sambil membawa gitar dan sedikit mengecek jam di hape Samsung warna biru saya. Tidak lama bus menuju downtown Portland pun telah dating. Sebelum beranjak naik bus, sekali lagi, “Pesawat Terbang” muncul di pikiran saya.

            Hari cerah begini memang pas buat jalan-jalan. Downtown Portland pilihan saya. Kebetulan saya hendak mendaftar ke Cami Curtis Performing Arts buat kelas hip hop sekalian juga ngeliat stadion baru Portland Timbers, tim sepak bola warga Portland yang tahun ini masuk MLS (liga utama Amerika Serikat).
            Dalam perjalanan,di dalam bus, saya mengingat-ingat masa kecil saya. Dulu waktu kecil, setiap ada pesawat terbang melintas di udara dan terdengar suaranya dari kejauhan, saya selalu langsung keluar rumah dan menatap ke langit untuk melihat pesawat terbang. Biasanya juga saya berteriak “hoy kapal terbang, njaluk duwite!!” (hoy, pesawat t erbang, minta duitnya!!). Dulu waktu kecil saya beranggapan pesawat terbang bakal jatohin duit dari udara buat rakyat-rakyat jelata di daratan. Dan dulu saya beranggapan kalau semua yang naik pesawat terbang itu orang-orang kaya. Dan kemudian saat itu juga saya dan kebanyakan anak-anak seumuran saya waktu kecil bercita-cita buat jadi pilot. Atau juga bercita-cita jadi dokter yang nantinya naik helikopter.
            Sejak kecil saya ingin sekali naik pesawat terbang. Ketika kedua orang tua saya berangkat haji di tahun 2004 lalu, saya merasa senang sekaligus iri karena ayah dan ibu bakalan naik pesawat terbang. Selain kemahalan, keluarga saya nggak bakal naik pesawat terbang rame-rame karena memang kita tidak pernah pergi jauh seperti ke luar negeri.
            Kemudian di umur 17 adalah umur ketika saya merasakan naik pesawat. Bersama teman-teman AFS Chapter Surabaya saya berangkat ke Jakarta untuk menghadiri orientasi Nasional keberangkatan para siswa pertukaran pelajar se Indonesia. Saya duduk di pinggir jendela bersama Hersanti Rahayu di sebelah saya. Mulai dari take off hingga landing saya bolak-balik menengok ke jendela pesawat melihat daratan,gedung-gedung,rumah,pohon-pohon,dan sungai yang terlihat seperti miniatur belaka. Saya ingat waktu itu Lion Air pesawatnya. Akhirnya keinginan dari kecil pun tercapai juga. Dan tentunya untuk pergi ke Amerika saya bakalan naik pesawat. Jadi 10 hari kemudian saya naik pesawat lagi untuk ke Amerika Serikat. Kali ini pesawatnya jauh lebih gede. Lama perjalanan dari Indonesia ke Amerika menempuh sekitar 27 jam waktu itu termasuk transit di Jerman selama 6-7 jam. Dan saat itulah saya mengenal istilah jet lag. Di amerika pun ternyata saya dapat kesempatan naik pesawat lagi.hehe. Waktu itu bulan februari 2011 saya naik pesawat dari Portland ke Orlando yang jaraknya seperti dari sabang ke merauke, 6 jam perjalanan berangkat  6 jam perjalanan pulang. Oke sepertinya saya sudah puas cerita tentang pesawat sampai-sampai saya mbelengerí sama yang namanya naik pesawat. Memang Allah selalu merencanakan sesuatu dibalik sesuatu.

saat menulisa artikel ini (tampak samping)

saat menulis artikel ini (tampak depan)

kaca mata baru $10 an.hehe
            8 menit kemudian bus yang saya tumpangi sudah memasuki downtown Portland. Teringat tadi saya melihat pria berkaca mata hitam keren duduk di halte membuat saya ingin punya kaca mata hitam supaya terlihat keren seperti pria tadi.hehe. Turunlah saya di halte downtown Portland dan langsung bertolak menuju Pioneer Place Mall. Dengan membawa gitar saya berjalan dari halte downtown ke mall yang tepat berada di jantung kota Portland itu. Dengan membawa gitar pula saya memasuki mall terlihat seperti pengamen jalanan downtown Portland saja.Bukan, saya cuma siswa Wilson High School yang mengambil kelas gitar.hehe. H&M adalah toko tujuan saya. Saya sudah mengincar kaca mata 10 dolaran sejak lama di sana.haha. setelah saya coba beberapa kaca mata akhir nya jatuh pada kaca mata pada gambar di atas.
            Setelah itu saya langsung menuju MAX station untuk menunggu MAX (sejenis kereta listrik) menuju arah tempat dance studio. Akhirnya saya mengambil 4 kelas hip hop dan siap untuk memulai pelajaran hip hop hari kamis. Doakan semoga lancar ya! Dan ditunggu ceritanya pastinya.: )

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tumbal Ciuman Tikus

Dalam bahasa perdukunan, tumbal berarti sesuatu yang kelak didapat seseorang dimana sangat merugikan atau sesuatu yang dikorbankan untuk mendapat sesuatu yang menguntungkan. Ah susah sekali menjelaskannya. Lagipula saya nggak percaya sama yang begituan. Saya sengaja menaruh judul seperti di atas karena saya dulu pernah mengalami peristiwa unik yang ada hubungannya dengan "ciuman", "tikus", dan gak ada hubungannya dengan kata "tumbal".

Jadi begini ceritanya. Pada dasarnya saya seorang santri di  pondok pesantren ternama di Mojokerto, MBI Amanatul Ummah. Kehidupan para santri terbilang sangatlah sederhana. Meskipun tidak sedikit dari mereka yang berasal dari keluarga berkecukupan. Setiap hari kami tidur beralaskan kasur tipis seadanya dan berselimutkan selimut pemberian orang tua jauh-jauh hari kala kami mengawali kehidupan santri kami. Tidak jarang pula ketika kasur tipis itupun tak layak pakai, kami masih bisa tertidur lelap beralaskan karpet dan sukur-sukur kalo ada bantal.

Peristiwa unik dan menjijikan terjadi pada saya sekitar 3 bulan sebelum keberangkatan saya ke negeri Paman Sam. Saat itu seperti biasa kita tidur berimpit-impitan satu sama lain di asrama pondok pesantren. Salah seorang teman saya bilang kalo tikus-tikus sedang menggila,kelaparan,juga melahirkan (wow). Kemudian saya pun tertidur lelap. Tengah malam saya mendengar segerombolan tikus berkeliaran dan salah satu tikus "mencium pipi saya". seekor tikus mendarat di pipi saya dan lewat begitu aja!

Tak hanya sekali malam berikutnya seekor tikus kembali mencium saya! kali ini tikus jahat karena di pagi hari keesokan harinya saya menemukan jempol kaki saya lecet digigit tikus. Kejadian ini berulang hingga lima kali dalam 2 bulan!! "dicium" dan atau "digigit" tikus jahat. Kemudian saya menemukan cara untuk menghindari ciuman tikus yaitu dengan cuci kaki setiap sebelum tidur.

Kali ini saya jelaskan maksut saya menaruh kata "tumbal" di judul artikel ini. Hampir setahun kemudian ketika saya sudah menjalani bulan ke 5/6 saya di Amerika, saya alhamdulilah berkesempatan untuk mengunjungi tempat wisata kelas dunia idaman manusia segala umur : Disneyland, California pada saat libur natal bersama host family saya dan Walt Disney World, Florida bulan februari untuk konferensi pemuda. Saat di Disneyland, saya sempat 2 kali berfoto dengan Mickey Mouse. di Disney World saya berfoto bersama Mickey & Minie Mouse! kedua-duanya merupakan tokoh kartun tikus di Disney. Jadi ini tumbal yang bertolak belakang!! Jadi dulu saya sempat 5 kali dicium tikus ternyata ada hikmahnya. Allah selalu mempunyai rencana yang indah. thanks for reading ! :)
ini foto-foto waktu bertemu si tikus terkenal Mickey & Minie Mouse
foto bersama Mickey Mouse di Disney World

Foto bersama cewenya Mickey Mouse di Disney World

Saya dan host family foto bersama Mickey di Disneyland

Foto Bersama Mickey di Disneyland

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Kalo ga salah tahun 2009 saya nonton film "Kambing Jantan" yang dibintangi mas Raditya Dika. Saya ingat dulu pacar saya (ciyeee) yang kasih tau film itu. Dia udah nonton sama kakak nya di bioskop dan katanya lucu. Bergegaslah saya ke warnet. Bukan ke bioskop. Mendaratlah saya di warnet favorit yang kebetulan punya koleksi film-film bajakan terbaru (hehe). Kebetulan ada! Langsung aja si flash disk kuning merk Kingston saya tancapkan di USB port komputer di warnet.

Seusai meng-copy film "Kambing Jantan" di warnet, saya pun bergegas pulang dan sedikit mengupdate friendster dan facebook saya yg masih baru (dulu banget tuh). Setelah pulang, saya tonton film itu di laptop Acer tua kesayangan saya. Bagi yang sudah nonton Kambing Jantan, pasti tau kan inti & alur ceritanya? Jadi si Kambing (Raditya Dika) punya cewe namanya Kebo (lupa siapa nama artisnya). si Kambing rupanya diminta orang tuanya untuk kuliah di Australia. Kemudian terjadilah LDR (Long Distance Relationship) pada keduanya. Kambing kesusahan buat kontak si Kebo di tanah air yang melanjutkan studinya di Universitas Indonesia. Bahkan Kambing pun bela-belain beli calling card murahan yang ternyata ga bisa dipake secara efektif buat telpon si Kebo. Terus Kambing punya temen namanya Harianto.di film dia sempat memakai kaos bertuliskan "I Love Kediri". Di akhir cerita, Kambing menuai sukses dan menemukan apa yang sebenarnya ia sukai.Tulisannya pun diterima oleh publisher dan menghasilkan banyak duit.(cerita tentang film selesai)

Setahun kemudian saya lolos seleksi pertukaran pelajar di Amerika. Begitulah ketika hendak meninggalkan tanah air berasa berat. Ninggalin keluarga,teman, juga pacar (hehe). Ya begitulah anak muda. bulan-bulan pertama di Amerika kita cuma kontak lewat facebook dan tidak pernah mendengar suara satu sama lain. Sempat kalau tidak salah di bulan November saya beli international calling card seharga 5 dolar buat telpon ayah dan ibu di tanah air. Alhamdulilah lancar. Beberapa minggu kemudian saya beli calling card yang 5 dolar-an lagi buat telpon pacar. Eh sialnya waktu itu sinyal buruk. Saya cuma bisa dengar suaranya beberapa detik saja. Kemudian kita berdua sepakat buat nggak telponan sampai nanti saya pulang ke Indonesia dan bertemu secara langsung satu sama lain :) .
oiya, kalo Hariyanto di film Kambing Jantan pake kaos "i love Kediri" di Australia, saya di Amerika sering pake kaos "i love Jember" yg saya bawa dari rumah.
hehehe terima kasih pembaca! :)


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sudahkah Anda Bersyukur Hari Ini?

Seringkali manusia susah buat mengendalikan sifat-sifat dasar manusia yang kurang baik. Contohnya keegoisan, keserakahan, mudah mengeluh dan tak pernah puas. Sebagai pemuda di umur 18 tahun, saya akui itu juga sering terjadi pada diri saya sendiri. Dan di umur 18 juga saya kemudian menjadi penasaran bagaimana setidaknya saya bisa mengurangi sifat dasar yang buruk itu.

Saya seorang Muslim. I mean, apapun kepercayaan yang kalian anut pasti paham apa yang namanya “bersyukur”. Bersyukur berarti ungkapan rasa terima kasih kita kepada Tuhan atas apapun yang sudah Dia berikan kepada kita, hamba-Nya. Sejauh ini yang saya alami secara pribadi, saya sering lupa untuk berterimakasih padaNya. Dan setelah saya amati, manusia, ketika mereka berada di atas, atau di zona nyaman (comfort zone) mereka dalam jangka yang lama cenderung lupa untuk bersyukur. Sebaliknya ketika mereka berada di bawah, sedang terdampar, mereka cenderung kembali mengingat Tuhan namun terkadang tidak untuk meminta doa, namun mengeluh atas keberadaan diri mereka.

Saya ingat, dulu waktu umur 10 tahun saya pernah berdiri terdiam di depan cermin di kamar sambil berkata dalam hati, “kenapa saya pendek dan nggak setinggi teman-teman saya yang lain?”. Dulu saya sering minder di muka umum Karena saya nggak tinggi seperti anak-anak lain yang seumuran. Saya tergolong kecil. Dan ketika masuk jenjang SMP pun saya terkadang masih minder. Apalagi di depan teman-teman perempuan di SMP meskipun pada akhirnya di tahun terakhir di SMP sempat ditaksir 2 adik kelas sekaligus (apa deh.hehe). Singkatnya, saya dulu kurang suka dengan kondisi fisik saya.

Beberapa tahun kemudian, di umur 18 ketika saat ini saya sedang mengemban amanah menjadi seorang siswa pertukaran pelajar di Amerika, saya merasa saya sudah bertambah dewasa. Dalam menghadapi sesuatu pun saya cenderung untuk berpikir jauh lebih kedepan meskipun masih sering juga saya bertindak ceroboh. Di Amerika saya mulai suka mendengar dan mengenal musik-musik barat. Ketika Lady Gaga meluncurkan single terbarunya “Born This Way”, kembali mengingatkan saya bahwa setiap orang dilahirkan begitu adanya sesuai kehendak Tuhan dan itu juga mengingatkan saya bahwa saya harus bersyukur atas semua yang saya dapat. Saya sengaja mengambil contoh Lady Gaga juga untuk mengingatkan para pembaca tentang pesan yang ada di lagu barunya itu.

Allah sudah memberi saya banyak kesempatan dalam hidup. Bahkan saya rasa sudah lebih dari cukup. Mulai dari keluarga dan teman-teman yang menginspirasi. Dan saya percaya, ketika kalian bersyukur, maka Allah akan memberi lebih banyak lagi kesempatan kepada kita. Dulu ketika masih dalam proses seleksi dan menghadapi banyak tes untuk ke Amerika pun tak lepas dari upaya saya untuk tetap konsisten berdoa dan bersukur setiap tahap saya lolos seleksi.

Untuk para pembaca, mulailah untuk bersyukur kepada Tuhan. Ingat kembali apa yang sudah Dia berikan. Jangan banyak mengeluh. Insyallah kesuksesan kalian akan hadir seterang satu milyar bintang 

Radiv Annaba

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Email Sang Sahabat

Himawan Sutanto, my best friend (yang sebelah kanan)
Ketika itu saya sedang berada di perpustakan sekolah Wilson High School. Duduklah saya di bangku dengan komputer tepat di hadapan saya. Saya pun log in di komputer perpus dan beberapa momen kemudian langsung aja klik internet explorer.Biasalah anak muda jaman sekarang jarang  banget ke perpus bercengkrama dengan buku-buku dan ilmu pengetahuan yang ada berselancar di dunia maya. Yah begitulah peradaban. Kemudian saya buka akun gmail saya kali aja ada beberapa email buat saya. Saya punya dua alamat email. Satu di yahoo, satu di gmail. untuk email yang disebut pertama, email itu sudah penuh dengan "sampah-sampah" dari facebook. Sedangkan akun gmail sengaja saya buat sebagai email pribadi saya yang tidak terkontaminasi oleh facebook.

Masuklah saya di akun gmail. Terlihat ada 3 email baru. Dan betapa terkejutnya saya salah satu email itu berasal dari seorang sahabat di Jember, Himawan Sutanto. 

email dari Antok
pesan dari antok di blog
Himawan Sutanto, atau biasa dipanggil Antok, adalah sahabat saya sejak SMP.Dulu kita sering menghabiskan waktu menempuh pendidikan di SMP yang sama, sempat juga di kelas yang sama, dan pernah juga kita punya hape nokia bertipe sama,dan juga merek kaos yang sama.Dulu kita sering bermain bersama juga dengan teman-teman yang lain. Sering juga kita jalan-jalan keluyuran pake motor ramai-ramai. Sayangnya, ketika masa tiga tahun SMP telah usai, saya tidak bisa melanjutkan SMA di kota saya, Jember. Saya memilih untuk mondok di Pacet, Mojokerto. Sedangkan Antok melanjutkan di salah satu SMA favorit di kota Jember.Begitu juga kebanyakan sobat-sobat saya yang lain. Namun itu bukan berarti kita ga bakal main-main seperti dulu. tiap liburan dan Lebaran, saya menyempatkan diri untuk berkumpul bersama kawan-kawan lama. Bersenda gurau lagi, cari warung lesehan murah lagi, dan juga menyantap bakso pedas favorit kami. Ah indahnya. Sekarang Antok sedang sibuk persiapan menghadapi Ujian Nasional dan Persiapan masuk perguruan tinggi. Sedangkan saya sedang berada di Amerika untuk pertukaran pelajar selama satu tahun. Dulu ketika SMP saya ingat betul apa yang menjadi motto saya, Antok dan teman saya lainnya, Andik dan Odik. motto itu adalah "Sukses Milik Kita". Kita berprinsip tidak terlalu membangga-banggakan kekayan orang tua seperti anak muda lainnya melainkan menggapai sukses dengan usaha kita sendiri.Itu berawal ketika kita melihat anak SMP dengan congkaknya membanggakan motor keren pemberian orang tuanya. Dari situlah "Sukses Milik Kita" lahir menjadi motto kita. hingga sekarang.

Balasan email dari antok tadi pagi
Alkisah, email dari antok cukup membuat saya senang.karena sudah lama saya tak mendengar kabarnya.kebetulan dia membaca blog ini dan sesegera mengirim email ke saya.
buat pembaca, sahabat terkadang menjadi sesuatu yang inspirasional


sincerely, Radiv Annaba, "a best friend"

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Begin A New Career : "A Guitarist"

A while ago, i did not know how to play any music instrument. As every human is growing up physically and mentally, i began to think about arts. A year ago, i tried to learn guitar. I don't have a guitar. What i did was, i borrowed my friend's guitar then i ask my friends who are able to play guitar to teach me and help me out playing guitar. The very beginning of my learning process, it was so hard! it was frustrating as well. I remembered a friend of mine, Bahtiar (one of my best friends) told and taught me that "to play guitar, is not a skill or talent that you need, but how you play it and who you play it for". It was a good moral lesson from Bahtiar. I applied it and I reveal the power of it. Eventually, i enjoy playing guitar eventhough not too often i played it. At Least i like it.

A year later, today, I am in the USA as an exchange student. I go to Wilson High School, Portland, Oregon. I am taking a beginning guitar class to be on of my classes. I still keep what Bahtiar told me. I have a great teacher to teach me, and great class mates as well that always bring an inspirational message to me.
My first guitar performance went really well and unexpected (read my previous article: "Mendadak Jadi Gitaris di Amerika"). My guitar teacher, Mr. Jolestead also said that i was awesome and my song that i brought made his day and he smiled all day long. i am so happy that day and began to do more and more.
And here are several pictures from my second guitar performance.enjoy! also i put some pictures of my classmates that were also performing today. thank you for reading this blog folks! :)

I played "Undisclosed Desires" by Muse

Jayme Figuerido, my friend from Brazil (also an exchange student)

Amy Reiner, my american class mate

Coldan, also my american classmate


Joseph Goldman

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Portland, My Second Home

Here are some pictures i've taken in Portland Oregon. I've been living in Portland since August for a such awesome exchange year through the end of June. Hope you enjoy it. i love this city so much and i wish i can come back to visit sometimes :)

downtown Portland view from the trem
my picture on the one of the bridges in Portland

a performance by a silver guy with a little girl laugh in front of him

the mall downtown

one of the streets

another street

the city library

a building

Portland streetcar

the bus

Hawthrone Bridge

here comes spring!

downtown Portland view from the other side

Friday, March 25, 2011

"Mencicipi" Air Laut Samudra Pasifik di Newport

halooooooooooo!!!!! apa kabar?hehe. Maklum saya terlampau gembira abis pulang dari rekreasi ke pantai (jangan berpikiran tentang BIKINI! Dilarang di blog ini!). Iya saya tau saya lagi di Amerika,bukan berarti bakal banyak bikini dong di pantai?haha.ingin tahu kenapa?
Selama tiga hari saya diajak host family saya ke Newport untuk menghabiskan waktu menikmati indahnya Lautan Pasifik di Oregon Coast. Jauh-jauh hari sebelum berangkat ke sana saya sudah diberi tahu kalo pantai di Samudra Pasifik Oregon dingin sekali cuacanya, apalagi airnya! seperti es gitu! sebenarnya judul artikel kali ini sedikit aneh dan ekstrem! ini si Radiv kenapa yak? kesamber petir? atau abis mimpi dicium Gita Gutawa (dulu saya ngefans sama Gita Gutawa waktu kelas 2 SMP di SMPN 2 Jember, terus teman saya si Antok ngefans sama Sherina) ? Haha enggak kok.

Dulu waktu kecil saya suka main ke pantai. Kebetulan kota saya, Jember punya pantai di laut selatan a.k.a. Samudra Hindia. Dulu waktu kecil saya sering main sama ombak yang sebenarnya sangat berbahaya dan berkemungkinan merengut nyawa saya.Dan juga saya sering secara tidak sengaja menelan air laut ketika dihempas ombak waktu berenang di pantai.hehe. dasar si Radiv. Anyways, selama tiga hari di Newport saya diajak keliling tempat-tempat wisata keren i.e. mercusuar,akuarium,museum Ripley's Believe it or Not, Wax Museum, terus menyaksikan jembatan kuno di Newport yang sangat popular dan merupakan tempat syuting film One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (dibintangi oleh Jack Nicholson, pemenang Oscar thn 1975). Kemudian dalam perjalanan pulang kita melewati jalan sepanjang samudra pasifik dan juga melakukan beberapa pemberhentian di pantai-pantai berpemandangan bagus i.e. (seperti,red) Cannon Beach. Nah, di Cannon Beach saya mencicipi air laut di Samudra Pasifik untuk pertama kalinya dalam hidup!! hehehe. Ternyata sama aja. Rasanya asin seperti garam.

simak beberapa foto yang saya dapat.semoga menginspirasi (saya nggak punya kamera SLR,mungkin  ga terlalu spesial foto-fotonya)
Burung Pelikan.Perhatikan yang di sebelah kiri

Saya lupa namanya apaan yang penting cantik

Saya tidak sedang berada di atas buaya laut.tapi buaya darat.hehe

Yaquina Head Light House. Mercusuar tertua dan tertinggi di Oregon state

Beberapa gambar yang saya lupa namanya lagi

Yang saya suka bukan foto saya melainkan gadis kecil bule di pojok kanan gambar.Unyuuuu

Newport Bridge

Newport bridge dan abaikan foto aneh saya ini

Harpa di Museum Ripley's Believe it or Not

Singa laut liar yang kebetulan nongol di dermaga Newport waktu saya lewat

Michael Jackson di Wax Museum (hanya replika)

sea stack

unyu picture

Haystack rock, Cannon Beach

Rambutku berantakan (apa deh)

itu dibaca :r4diV lAgy dI cAnNoN bEaCH

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Radiv's Opinion and Thoughts about Osama bin Laden's Death

That Sunday night we were watching the show "60 Minutes" and like fifteen minutes before the show ends, as it was told on TV channel there will be U.S.A.'s big development that came from USA special forces in the hunt of Osama bin Laden. As it was told, President Obama is going to give his speech about what is actually going on and he is going to confirm it to the news channel in America and indeed, all over the world. "Bin Laden is dead". That is the big development they were talking about. It is such a huge thing for the United States and its people. I saw in the news people are outside somewhere else in Washington D.C. are jubilant after hearing President Obama says that huge thing for Americans. Ten years of hunting is finally over now. The mass murderer of the 9/11 as its called now "Ground Zero" has been killed by US special forces down in Pakistan. Yet, as many people have lot of different opinion and thoughts about bin Laden's death, so do i. I do have my own opinion and thoughts about this big development from the USA.

"Bin Laden was not a Muslim leader, he was a mass murderer of Muslims" says President Obama. this is the main point i am about to talk about. The day after that i was in Algebra class and I was listening to a freshmen kid says, "Islam is bad, they're murderer!". I was silent. Silence doesn't mean i don't care and react, i do think that if you are a smart and wise kind of people, you would've thought that Islam is not bad and we shouldn't blame Islam and Muslims and believe that Osama is a bad Muslim and don't mean that the entire Muslims all over the world are bad too. Then if they think that the cause of a Muslim terrorist with a devastating airplane suicide at ground zero and you suspect all Muslims are bad and murderer, so they're not smart people nor wise people. I mean, grow up man! Besides, Obama says in his speech that this is not a war against Islam. Well for that freshmen kid in my algebra class is just a small example.

Have you seen the movie "My Name is Khan" ? It may tell you a lot about 9/11 and you can learn many things about Muslim too. And then, about the people are jubilant about someone else's death would never ever be a nice to celebrate like that. I realize. Osama had caused 3000 people killed in the World Trade Center, NYC. It is exactly a really bad thing. I mean, don't let avenger in your self grows too over about this. The mass murderer and the most wanted terrorist has been killed and we should thank to the US special forces in Pakistan who did excellent job. The hunting is finally over. And may the victims of 9/11 rest in peace and the family of the victims will be satisfied enough with bin Laden's death though it can't revive someone from death.

I am still wondering why the US threw Osama's dead body to the sea. I still can't understand. I thought they're going to bury him as a human is supposed to buried. I still don't understand. I mean is this a human's right? I recognize America as a human's right nation in the world. I am honestly disappointed by this.

That is it. This is my opinion and thought. I really appreciate what the USA has done and finally kill the world's most wanted terrorist. And don't let terrorism seize innocent's people life again. Don't let it happen again. As the people of the world, lets stand together in support of the WORLD PEACE!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Dear America

Dear America
By Radiv Annaba
Sometimes I blame the time why it goes so fast like an airplane. I feel these merely 9 months I’ve been through my exchange year, its going so fast! However, I have been experiencing many things and I’ve been learning many things as well.  Being an exchange student is such an unforgettable moments in my entire life. Being an exchange student for me, its like you represent your home country, its like a journey of finding who you actually are, its like you are going to have so much adventure, its like you can see the world more widely!
Let me ‘time travel’ back to the time before I came to the United States as an exchange student.  My English was not really good specially in speaking skill, I couldn’t play any music instrument, I couldn’t dance, I couldn’t interact with people that well, I never flew with such an airplane, I was only dreaming about having many friends throughout the world, I never won any precious competition.
Then we come back to ‘now’ time.  I’ve done many things during my exchange year in the USA. There are some examples about what I’ve learn so far and most of them are something new for me and really beneficial as well
Learn How to See the World More Widely
Living with the host family, American family pretty often makes me learn how to adjust with different kind of people. Then go to American High School and met new friends and exactly with different kind of characteristics. I’m not only meeting new people from America but also all over the world. It is when the group of exchange students gathered, i meet new friends from many different countries! And I can tell now I have friends from every continent in the planet! In this case, I’ve learned that the world is large and many other different things out there, different people, different culture.
My English Becomes So Much Better
By speaking English every day, I’ve upgraded my English skill specially in speaking. Now I don’t need to put caption or subtitles while I am watching Hollywood movies. And I’ve dreamed in English multiple times!
I am taking guitar class at my school. I didn’t know how to play guitar that well so I take this guitar class. I really love this class and now I am so good at guitar and I’ve performed some songs in front of the class and got really good appreciation from my guitar teacher, he says “Radiv, the song you played made my day, I smiled all day long”.  Guitar is not the only one in art section that I like, since 2 weeks ago I’ve been taking hip hop class. I am taking 4 classes of hip hop which is I believe it is also part of American experience to dance hip hop.

Tour Guide?
I live in such big city, Portland, Oregon. Portland is a metropolis and the biggest city in Oregon. One thing I like in Portland is the public transportation system. They have really good public transportation and I’ve learned so quickly how to go to anyplace I want by bus, MAX (electric train), and streetcar (electric train for short distance). Even when I have friends come visit to Portland, I take them to go around city of Portland with the public transportation. I’m kind of being tour guide, huh?
My leadership skill is eventually built so much better during my exchange year. More over when I won the BUBW conference in Orlando, Florida. There, during the conference, I’ve learned many things in leadership and I got so much new knowledge that I have not known before. And at that time I’ve promised to share whatever I got here, my experiences, my knowledge, and everything beneficial to the others specially the youth so they can be inspired and given the energy of what I call, The Indonesian Dream.
I think that’s pretty much I can share for now. However, there are many others I really want to share but I believe those are the best ones. I really enjoy my exchange year and I want to be the part of the World Changer!

Green Darner Dragonfly

Radiv Annaba


Period 6

Green Darner Dragonfly

Anax Junius

Dragonflies actually look like helicopters or you can say helicopters are inspired from the shape of Dragonflies. Green Darner Dragonfly has green color and sometimes combined with other color so it can make some kind of pattern of color. It has four transparent wings. The wings themselves are really smooth, transparent and light so the Green Darner Dragonfly can float in the air by swinging their wings. Green Darner Dragonfly also has huge eyes.

Green Darner Dragonflies are found throughout North and South America, the West Indies and Asia. And there is certain type of Green Darner Dragonfly found in Hawaii that has a green thorax and blue abdomen rides the thermals Waimea Canyon.

Green Darner Dragonfly is usually found and hanging around ponds and slow stream. It also can be found around the rice fields in the South East Asia. Typically found at an altitude of 0 to 5,478 meters.

Green Darner Dragonfly is a predator. They prey other insects or bugs which are smaller than their size. Adults hunt while airborne over sunny fields and meadows, preying on midges, mosquitoes, caddisflies and other flying insects

It keeps the food chain by eating small bugs or insects that can destroy the plants’ leaves or flowers. Also dragonfly eats mosquitoes that can be dangerous and annoying for human.

There are some facts that can be interesting in Green Darner Dragonfly. Green Darner Dragonfly are usually nicknamed darning needles, mosquito hawks, and Lord of June. Enabled by their excellent flight capabilities and nearly 360-degree eyesight, dragonflies easily capture and kill prey larger than themselves. The Green Darner can fly at speeds exceeding 50 miles per hour. Dragonflies are among the most ancient of living creatures. Fossil records, clearly recognizable as the ancestors of our present day odonates, go back to Carboniferous times which means that the insects were flying more than 300 million years ago, predating dinosaurs by over 100 million years and birds by some 150 million. Dragonfly sex involves one very unusual step: before mating, the male must transfer sperm from his sperm-producing genitals (located in segment 9, at the tip of his abdomen) to the accesory genitals located on segments 2 and 3, underneath his abdomen. These include a sperm resrvoir and a penis. Male dragonflies accomplish this transfer solo, before they attempt to copulate. This type of sperm transfer is unique to the Odonates among insects, although it is common in spiders.

Source : http://www.insects.org/entophiles/odon_003.html , http://www.cirrusimage.com/dragonfly_green_darner.htm, http://www.nsf.gov/news/special_reports/animals/textonly/dragonfly_quickfacts.jsp, http://zipcodezoo.com/Animals/A/Anax_junius/

Monday, April 18, 2011


Tepat pukul 11.53 bel berdering tanda jam ke 4 usai dan dilanjutkan dengan lunch. Karena hari ini saya nggak bawa lunch,well memang saya malas nyiapin lunch buat sekolah dan sarapan pun pagi ini cuma pake cereal rasa strawberry. Saya suka strawberry. Bergegaslah kutatih gitar dan kugapai ransel di bawah kursi dan keluar dari kelas computer science. Kemudian kuberjalan menuju perpustakaan sekolah untuk menulis artikel ini.

Jadi ceritanya tadi selama 50 menit di kelas computer science saya menganggur tidak melakukan satu hal pun karena saya nggak mudeng sama pelajarannya. Susah sekali memang membuat pemograman dari kode-kode hingga terbentuk suatu aplikasi semacam game dan hal-hal sains lainnya. I don’t like science, I’m just sayin. Terjadilah suatu momen klasik yang pasti sudah pernah dialami setiap orang di dunia, ‘ngelamun’ atau dalam bahasa resmi nya termenung. Tapi ngelamun lebih nyaman diucap bagi saya karena saya asli jawa yang sering di gojloki ibu begini “ojo ngelamun ae le!ndang dipangan iku sarapane” (jangan ngelamun saja,buruan dimakan tuh sarapan).

Karena saya hannya punya waktu 30 menit di perpustakaan sebelum bel tanda lunch berakhir berbunyi, jadi langsung saja saya bocorin buat kalian semua tadi saya ngelamun apa saja.

Jadi tadi saya ngelamun :

1. “Nanti saya bakal jadi penulis best seller nasional termuda dalam sejarah”

2. “novel negeri 5 menara memang bagus.ah nanti novel saya bakal seperti apa ya ?”

3. “pacar saya lagi UNAS”

4. “saya mulai suka bahasa inggris sejak kelas 5 SD”

5. “nanti pulang ke Indonesia mau beli gitar”

6. “duit saya di bank tinggal $126,itupun jatah bulan Mei”

7. “nanti sebelum pulang ke tanah air, potong rambut nggak ya?” (pikiran itu muncul setelah saya berpapasan dengan teman saya yg berdarah Amerika-Albania.

8. “nanti pulang sekolah masak indomie ah” (kebetulan stok indomie masih ada satu keranjang)

9. “taun depan saya kuliah.tapi di mana?”

10.”Saya ingin sukses, banggain ayah dan ibu lagi”

11. “Barcelona pasti bakal juara Liga Cempyen lagi”

12. “Aku ingin ke London”

Kira-kira 12 lamunan itu semua yang saya ingat atau bahkan lebih dari 12. Tapi kalian jangan sering-sering ngelamun ya! Karena kata nenek saya, ”ojo ngelamun ae engko kelebonan setan”. (jangan ngelamun saja, nanti kerasukan setan).

Radiv Annaba

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Indonesian Dream

The Indonesian Dream

            I wake up at 5 a.m. like usually. Shortly after that I go to the bathroom then  my family and I do the daily prayers in the morning that is called “salat subuh”. While my mom is preparing our breakfast, I am getting ready and get dressed with my “green and white” uniform. I want to comb my messy hair but unfortunately I can’t see my face in the mirror because I am too short. Then I move to my little brother’s room to comb my hair and get my self ready and tidy. I kind of look nice too!
            Today I am getting ready with my uniform not to go to school, meet teachers and friends and also meet math, science, and friends, but today I go to school with parents to attend the graduation and parents meeting. Finally I will graduate from elementary school. Seems like I am happy to get rid of this “green and white” uniform and be ready to turn it as “dark blue and white” uniform. In Indonesia, the elementary school’s uniform is usually “red and white” but my elementary school is a private-Islamic elementary school which has different uniform but actually we’re all the same elementary school’s kids. We have the same academic potential like others in the public elementary school with their “red and white” uniform. And after all we have the same dreams as our parents and teachers have taught us since when we were in kindergarten.
So anyways, I was 12 years old that time in the 6th grade. The elementary school in Indonesia is 6 years long. During those 6 years, I can tell I am such a bright student. You know what, from the 1st grade through the 6th grade I’ve never been below the top three of the class ranks. I am always in the top three. Yes I am a top three kid even one of the best in the entire school. I have never got beaten with my other classmates in the top three. Once I had never beaten from the 1st rank in the class from the 3rd grade through the first semester of the 6th grade. It is enough to show how bright I was.
In this graduation day, which is also the last semester and the last school report card. I finally got beaten by my friend from the first rank in the class and I went down to the 2nd rank. The ‘competition’ is finally over between me and my friends who want the 1st rank position.
Two months later I finally get accepted in the best public middle school in my city. I have passed through the selections to enroll that school. The school needs 200 new students and I am the 125th rank in the selection. This time I finally realize that many others that have smart brain like I think I was. Then it turns to a different story. Yes I am not an elementary school kid anymore. Now I attend to the best middle school in the entire city. However, I am not anymore a top three ranked kid like I used to be. Here I meet a lot of others that are smart and I can’t compete them. Everything has changed and I feel like I am the dumbest kid in this school. I feel underestimated all the time and I feel unconfident all the time watching other smart brained kids. I never constantly get good grades like I used to, now it is lots up and down. My parents have no idea about what is wrong with me and neither do i.
            I can tell that is the darkness during 3 years of middle school. Regardless, I have made friends and at least I already know a little about what is it supposed to be done in school besides grades.it is also all about friendship and the knowledge about life. I grow up mentally sometimes and still like I am the smallest kid in my ages. I eventually learn and realize that I don’t need to worry about grades, but worry about the process I get the good grades at school. And I realize I don’t need to be neither the smartest kid in the class nor a basket ball player who is always famous and girls like it. I believe I can do something else but what?

            The three years of middle school from the 7th grade through the 9th grade finally come to the end with the epic national examination. We are tested with final examination in the 9th grade with the following subjects : Science, Social Studies, Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Language), math and English. I just want to tell you that I am so good at English since I was in the 6th grade. Then I get good grades in the national examination although my grades are not included the best in the school but I am happy for it.
            I decide to go to the high school out of town. I finally decide to go to an Islamic private boarding school. Deep in my little heart I want to make my parents feel proud of me and not disappointed anymore because of those dark 3 years in middle school. Study out of town and far with family makes me become stronger and more mature. I start to dream and not a common dream. I have big dreams like I want to come back as a top three ranked student in the class like I was 4 years ago. I want to join some competition and win some competition. The biggest dream I have is going abroad to study. Soon in the first year of high school I still have much difficulties to be the top three ranked student in the class but I feel I get better in something else. I start join competition like English debate and I have won 2 English debate competitions which is good for me. Now I know what is potential in my self. Then I am chosen as the vice leader of the student body in my school. Now I know my another potential thing is. I finally get my self back on track. I have helped my school to get prestige by joining and winning many competitions in city, and province level. I finally can give something for this school that helps me to come back and inspires me to dream big. I am not yet finished with that. In the second semester of the second year of high school, I join exchange student selection. And I really wish I can pass the selection and then my dream will come true to study abroad and make my parents really proud of me.  The selection takes almost 1 year an a half. And thanks God I finally did it. I have passed the regional level selection then I deserve to go to Jakarta to attend the final national selection to get the scholarship as an exchange student in the U.S.A.. I always tell my self “Don’t give up, dream big, do something big, you can do it, Radiv!”. I’ve got many support and I’ve been preparing and studying for this exchange student selection. In January 2010 I am officially selected as the national candidate of the exchange students and will represent Indonesia in the United States. I feel honor because there are 8,000 contestant and the only choose 125 students to finally can go abroad. I feel what I’ve done these 2 years to come back is worth it. I can finally make my parents proud of me again. One more time I did it! But its not the end of everything. I still eagerly want to do more to reach my dreams. The Indonesian dream. Now I am in the United States as the Indonesian exchange student. I am the young ambassador of my country. I will have 11 months of study in the United States. Adjusting, learning different culture, language, different kind of people, and food. I have done a lot of things in the United States even it makes me feel so “American” sometimes. I can see the world wider and realize that people in the world have many differences but still have many similarities as well. I still have big dreams and I will make them true like I have done. I hope I can inspire others especially youth to not give up. I wish I can inspire others to dream big and do something big because you will regret if you do nothing while you are young. I hope after reading this story you learn something and finally start to dream and believe that what you’re dreaming of will come true if you really do something and never give up.

Pesawat Terbang

Pukul 15.10 waktu setempat. Saya masih berada di kelas bahasa Inggris pada jam ke 7. Disebelah saya si Daniel sedang sibuk dengan iphone nya. Sedangkan di belakang saya, Schaar,Iiro,Jack,Sean,dan AJ sedang mengobrol dan bercanda. Tepat di depan saya ada 4 bangku kosong di mana Kathleen,Kayla,Robert, dan Will sedang absen hari ini. Oiya, kelas ini menggunakan pola tempat duduk berbentuk huruf “U”. Dan saya berada di salah satu deret yang saling berhadapan. Di Kelas bahasa Inggris saya cukup kenal banyak teman Karena kelas ini hanya untuk seniors (kelas 12) dan semuanya seumuran. Untuk hari ini, Ms. Janet Dakin meminta murid-muridnya untuk membuat outline essay yang akan kita jadikan sebagai tugas kelas di hari kamis nanti. Boro-boro outline, sebiji ide pun tak kunjung kudapat. Kemudian tiba-tiba muncullah di benak dua patah kata, “Pesawat Terbang”. Bel pun tak kunjung berdering karena hari bel sedang rusak dan digantikan oleh dering telepon yang disediakan di setiap kelas. 15.15 “bel” tanda pelajaran berakhir pun berdering. Sejenak kulihat ke luar via jendela kelas sebelum kutatih gitar tuk dibawa pulang, cuaca cukup cerah di luar. Dalam hati pun berkata “tumben Portland cerah.biasanya juga basah hujan terus” dan itupun dalam bahasa Inggris.hehe.

            Kuputuskan untuk tidak langsung pulang ke rumah. Saya pun berbelok ke halte yang bukan di seberang jalan di mana tempat biasanya saya menunggu bus untuk pulang ke rumah. Berhentilah saya di halte bus yang menuju arah downtown Portland. Sambil membawa gitar dan sedikit mengecek jam di hape Samsung warna biru saya. Tidak lama bus menuju downtown Portland pun telah dating. Sebelum beranjak naik bus, sekali lagi, “Pesawat Terbang” muncul di pikiran saya.

            Hari cerah begini memang pas buat jalan-jalan. Downtown Portland pilihan saya. Kebetulan saya hendak mendaftar ke Cami Curtis Performing Arts buat kelas hip hop sekalian juga ngeliat stadion baru Portland Timbers, tim sepak bola warga Portland yang tahun ini masuk MLS (liga utama Amerika Serikat).
            Dalam perjalanan,di dalam bus, saya mengingat-ingat masa kecil saya. Dulu waktu kecil, setiap ada pesawat terbang melintas di udara dan terdengar suaranya dari kejauhan, saya selalu langsung keluar rumah dan menatap ke langit untuk melihat pesawat terbang. Biasanya juga saya berteriak “hoy kapal terbang, njaluk duwite!!” (hoy, pesawat t erbang, minta duitnya!!). Dulu waktu kecil saya beranggapan pesawat terbang bakal jatohin duit dari udara buat rakyat-rakyat jelata di daratan. Dan dulu saya beranggapan kalau semua yang naik pesawat terbang itu orang-orang kaya. Dan kemudian saat itu juga saya dan kebanyakan anak-anak seumuran saya waktu kecil bercita-cita buat jadi pilot. Atau juga bercita-cita jadi dokter yang nantinya naik helikopter.
            Sejak kecil saya ingin sekali naik pesawat terbang. Ketika kedua orang tua saya berangkat haji di tahun 2004 lalu, saya merasa senang sekaligus iri karena ayah dan ibu bakalan naik pesawat terbang. Selain kemahalan, keluarga saya nggak bakal naik pesawat terbang rame-rame karena memang kita tidak pernah pergi jauh seperti ke luar negeri.
            Kemudian di umur 17 adalah umur ketika saya merasakan naik pesawat. Bersama teman-teman AFS Chapter Surabaya saya berangkat ke Jakarta untuk menghadiri orientasi Nasional keberangkatan para siswa pertukaran pelajar se Indonesia. Saya duduk di pinggir jendela bersama Hersanti Rahayu di sebelah saya. Mulai dari take off hingga landing saya bolak-balik menengok ke jendela pesawat melihat daratan,gedung-gedung,rumah,pohon-pohon,dan sungai yang terlihat seperti miniatur belaka. Saya ingat waktu itu Lion Air pesawatnya. Akhirnya keinginan dari kecil pun tercapai juga. Dan tentunya untuk pergi ke Amerika saya bakalan naik pesawat. Jadi 10 hari kemudian saya naik pesawat lagi untuk ke Amerika Serikat. Kali ini pesawatnya jauh lebih gede. Lama perjalanan dari Indonesia ke Amerika menempuh sekitar 27 jam waktu itu termasuk transit di Jerman selama 6-7 jam. Dan saat itulah saya mengenal istilah jet lag. Di amerika pun ternyata saya dapat kesempatan naik pesawat lagi.hehe. Waktu itu bulan februari 2011 saya naik pesawat dari Portland ke Orlando yang jaraknya seperti dari sabang ke merauke, 6 jam perjalanan berangkat  6 jam perjalanan pulang. Oke sepertinya saya sudah puas cerita tentang pesawat sampai-sampai saya mbelengerí sama yang namanya naik pesawat. Memang Allah selalu merencanakan sesuatu dibalik sesuatu.

saat menulisa artikel ini (tampak samping)

saat menulis artikel ini (tampak depan)

kaca mata baru $10 an.hehe
            8 menit kemudian bus yang saya tumpangi sudah memasuki downtown Portland. Teringat tadi saya melihat pria berkaca mata hitam keren duduk di halte membuat saya ingin punya kaca mata hitam supaya terlihat keren seperti pria tadi.hehe. Turunlah saya di halte downtown Portland dan langsung bertolak menuju Pioneer Place Mall. Dengan membawa gitar saya berjalan dari halte downtown ke mall yang tepat berada di jantung kota Portland itu. Dengan membawa gitar pula saya memasuki mall terlihat seperti pengamen jalanan downtown Portland saja.Bukan, saya cuma siswa Wilson High School yang mengambil kelas gitar.hehe. H&M adalah toko tujuan saya. Saya sudah mengincar kaca mata 10 dolaran sejak lama di sana.haha. setelah saya coba beberapa kaca mata akhir nya jatuh pada kaca mata pada gambar di atas.
            Setelah itu saya langsung menuju MAX station untuk menunggu MAX (sejenis kereta listrik) menuju arah tempat dance studio. Akhirnya saya mengambil 4 kelas hip hop dan siap untuk memulai pelajaran hip hop hari kamis. Doakan semoga lancar ya! Dan ditunggu ceritanya pastinya.: )

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tumbal Ciuman Tikus

Dalam bahasa perdukunan, tumbal berarti sesuatu yang kelak didapat seseorang dimana sangat merugikan atau sesuatu yang dikorbankan untuk mendapat sesuatu yang menguntungkan. Ah susah sekali menjelaskannya. Lagipula saya nggak percaya sama yang begituan. Saya sengaja menaruh judul seperti di atas karena saya dulu pernah mengalami peristiwa unik yang ada hubungannya dengan "ciuman", "tikus", dan gak ada hubungannya dengan kata "tumbal".

Jadi begini ceritanya. Pada dasarnya saya seorang santri di  pondok pesantren ternama di Mojokerto, MBI Amanatul Ummah. Kehidupan para santri terbilang sangatlah sederhana. Meskipun tidak sedikit dari mereka yang berasal dari keluarga berkecukupan. Setiap hari kami tidur beralaskan kasur tipis seadanya dan berselimutkan selimut pemberian orang tua jauh-jauh hari kala kami mengawali kehidupan santri kami. Tidak jarang pula ketika kasur tipis itupun tak layak pakai, kami masih bisa tertidur lelap beralaskan karpet dan sukur-sukur kalo ada bantal.

Peristiwa unik dan menjijikan terjadi pada saya sekitar 3 bulan sebelum keberangkatan saya ke negeri Paman Sam. Saat itu seperti biasa kita tidur berimpit-impitan satu sama lain di asrama pondok pesantren. Salah seorang teman saya bilang kalo tikus-tikus sedang menggila,kelaparan,juga melahirkan (wow). Kemudian saya pun tertidur lelap. Tengah malam saya mendengar segerombolan tikus berkeliaran dan salah satu tikus "mencium pipi saya". seekor tikus mendarat di pipi saya dan lewat begitu aja!

Tak hanya sekali malam berikutnya seekor tikus kembali mencium saya! kali ini tikus jahat karena di pagi hari keesokan harinya saya menemukan jempol kaki saya lecet digigit tikus. Kejadian ini berulang hingga lima kali dalam 2 bulan!! "dicium" dan atau "digigit" tikus jahat. Kemudian saya menemukan cara untuk menghindari ciuman tikus yaitu dengan cuci kaki setiap sebelum tidur.

Kali ini saya jelaskan maksut saya menaruh kata "tumbal" di judul artikel ini. Hampir setahun kemudian ketika saya sudah menjalani bulan ke 5/6 saya di Amerika, saya alhamdulilah berkesempatan untuk mengunjungi tempat wisata kelas dunia idaman manusia segala umur : Disneyland, California pada saat libur natal bersama host family saya dan Walt Disney World, Florida bulan februari untuk konferensi pemuda. Saat di Disneyland, saya sempat 2 kali berfoto dengan Mickey Mouse. di Disney World saya berfoto bersama Mickey & Minie Mouse! kedua-duanya merupakan tokoh kartun tikus di Disney. Jadi ini tumbal yang bertolak belakang!! Jadi dulu saya sempat 5 kali dicium tikus ternyata ada hikmahnya. Allah selalu mempunyai rencana yang indah. thanks for reading ! :)
ini foto-foto waktu bertemu si tikus terkenal Mickey & Minie Mouse
foto bersama Mickey Mouse di Disney World

Foto bersama cewenya Mickey Mouse di Disney World

Saya dan host family foto bersama Mickey di Disneyland

Foto Bersama Mickey di Disneyland

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Kalo ga salah tahun 2009 saya nonton film "Kambing Jantan" yang dibintangi mas Raditya Dika. Saya ingat dulu pacar saya (ciyeee) yang kasih tau film itu. Dia udah nonton sama kakak nya di bioskop dan katanya lucu. Bergegaslah saya ke warnet. Bukan ke bioskop. Mendaratlah saya di warnet favorit yang kebetulan punya koleksi film-film bajakan terbaru (hehe). Kebetulan ada! Langsung aja si flash disk kuning merk Kingston saya tancapkan di USB port komputer di warnet.

Seusai meng-copy film "Kambing Jantan" di warnet, saya pun bergegas pulang dan sedikit mengupdate friendster dan facebook saya yg masih baru (dulu banget tuh). Setelah pulang, saya tonton film itu di laptop Acer tua kesayangan saya. Bagi yang sudah nonton Kambing Jantan, pasti tau kan inti & alur ceritanya? Jadi si Kambing (Raditya Dika) punya cewe namanya Kebo (lupa siapa nama artisnya). si Kambing rupanya diminta orang tuanya untuk kuliah di Australia. Kemudian terjadilah LDR (Long Distance Relationship) pada keduanya. Kambing kesusahan buat kontak si Kebo di tanah air yang melanjutkan studinya di Universitas Indonesia. Bahkan Kambing pun bela-belain beli calling card murahan yang ternyata ga bisa dipake secara efektif buat telpon si Kebo. Terus Kambing punya temen namanya Harianto.di film dia sempat memakai kaos bertuliskan "I Love Kediri". Di akhir cerita, Kambing menuai sukses dan menemukan apa yang sebenarnya ia sukai.Tulisannya pun diterima oleh publisher dan menghasilkan banyak duit.(cerita tentang film selesai)

Setahun kemudian saya lolos seleksi pertukaran pelajar di Amerika. Begitulah ketika hendak meninggalkan tanah air berasa berat. Ninggalin keluarga,teman, juga pacar (hehe). Ya begitulah anak muda. bulan-bulan pertama di Amerika kita cuma kontak lewat facebook dan tidak pernah mendengar suara satu sama lain. Sempat kalau tidak salah di bulan November saya beli international calling card seharga 5 dolar buat telpon ayah dan ibu di tanah air. Alhamdulilah lancar. Beberapa minggu kemudian saya beli calling card yang 5 dolar-an lagi buat telpon pacar. Eh sialnya waktu itu sinyal buruk. Saya cuma bisa dengar suaranya beberapa detik saja. Kemudian kita berdua sepakat buat nggak telponan sampai nanti saya pulang ke Indonesia dan bertemu secara langsung satu sama lain :) .
oiya, kalo Hariyanto di film Kambing Jantan pake kaos "i love Kediri" di Australia, saya di Amerika sering pake kaos "i love Jember" yg saya bawa dari rumah.
hehehe terima kasih pembaca! :)


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sudahkah Anda Bersyukur Hari Ini?

Seringkali manusia susah buat mengendalikan sifat-sifat dasar manusia yang kurang baik. Contohnya keegoisan, keserakahan, mudah mengeluh dan tak pernah puas. Sebagai pemuda di umur 18 tahun, saya akui itu juga sering terjadi pada diri saya sendiri. Dan di umur 18 juga saya kemudian menjadi penasaran bagaimana setidaknya saya bisa mengurangi sifat dasar yang buruk itu.

Saya seorang Muslim. I mean, apapun kepercayaan yang kalian anut pasti paham apa yang namanya “bersyukur”. Bersyukur berarti ungkapan rasa terima kasih kita kepada Tuhan atas apapun yang sudah Dia berikan kepada kita, hamba-Nya. Sejauh ini yang saya alami secara pribadi, saya sering lupa untuk berterimakasih padaNya. Dan setelah saya amati, manusia, ketika mereka berada di atas, atau di zona nyaman (comfort zone) mereka dalam jangka yang lama cenderung lupa untuk bersyukur. Sebaliknya ketika mereka berada di bawah, sedang terdampar, mereka cenderung kembali mengingat Tuhan namun terkadang tidak untuk meminta doa, namun mengeluh atas keberadaan diri mereka.

Saya ingat, dulu waktu umur 10 tahun saya pernah berdiri terdiam di depan cermin di kamar sambil berkata dalam hati, “kenapa saya pendek dan nggak setinggi teman-teman saya yang lain?”. Dulu saya sering minder di muka umum Karena saya nggak tinggi seperti anak-anak lain yang seumuran. Saya tergolong kecil. Dan ketika masuk jenjang SMP pun saya terkadang masih minder. Apalagi di depan teman-teman perempuan di SMP meskipun pada akhirnya di tahun terakhir di SMP sempat ditaksir 2 adik kelas sekaligus (apa deh.hehe). Singkatnya, saya dulu kurang suka dengan kondisi fisik saya.

Beberapa tahun kemudian, di umur 18 ketika saat ini saya sedang mengemban amanah menjadi seorang siswa pertukaran pelajar di Amerika, saya merasa saya sudah bertambah dewasa. Dalam menghadapi sesuatu pun saya cenderung untuk berpikir jauh lebih kedepan meskipun masih sering juga saya bertindak ceroboh. Di Amerika saya mulai suka mendengar dan mengenal musik-musik barat. Ketika Lady Gaga meluncurkan single terbarunya “Born This Way”, kembali mengingatkan saya bahwa setiap orang dilahirkan begitu adanya sesuai kehendak Tuhan dan itu juga mengingatkan saya bahwa saya harus bersyukur atas semua yang saya dapat. Saya sengaja mengambil contoh Lady Gaga juga untuk mengingatkan para pembaca tentang pesan yang ada di lagu barunya itu.

Allah sudah memberi saya banyak kesempatan dalam hidup. Bahkan saya rasa sudah lebih dari cukup. Mulai dari keluarga dan teman-teman yang menginspirasi. Dan saya percaya, ketika kalian bersyukur, maka Allah akan memberi lebih banyak lagi kesempatan kepada kita. Dulu ketika masih dalam proses seleksi dan menghadapi banyak tes untuk ke Amerika pun tak lepas dari upaya saya untuk tetap konsisten berdoa dan bersukur setiap tahap saya lolos seleksi.

Untuk para pembaca, mulailah untuk bersyukur kepada Tuhan. Ingat kembali apa yang sudah Dia berikan. Jangan banyak mengeluh. Insyallah kesuksesan kalian akan hadir seterang satu milyar bintang 

Radiv Annaba

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Email Sang Sahabat

Himawan Sutanto, my best friend (yang sebelah kanan)
Ketika itu saya sedang berada di perpustakan sekolah Wilson High School. Duduklah saya di bangku dengan komputer tepat di hadapan saya. Saya pun log in di komputer perpus dan beberapa momen kemudian langsung aja klik internet explorer.Biasalah anak muda jaman sekarang jarang  banget ke perpus bercengkrama dengan buku-buku dan ilmu pengetahuan yang ada berselancar di dunia maya. Yah begitulah peradaban. Kemudian saya buka akun gmail saya kali aja ada beberapa email buat saya. Saya punya dua alamat email. Satu di yahoo, satu di gmail. untuk email yang disebut pertama, email itu sudah penuh dengan "sampah-sampah" dari facebook. Sedangkan akun gmail sengaja saya buat sebagai email pribadi saya yang tidak terkontaminasi oleh facebook.

Masuklah saya di akun gmail. Terlihat ada 3 email baru. Dan betapa terkejutnya saya salah satu email itu berasal dari seorang sahabat di Jember, Himawan Sutanto. 

email dari Antok
pesan dari antok di blog
Himawan Sutanto, atau biasa dipanggil Antok, adalah sahabat saya sejak SMP.Dulu kita sering menghabiskan waktu menempuh pendidikan di SMP yang sama, sempat juga di kelas yang sama, dan pernah juga kita punya hape nokia bertipe sama,dan juga merek kaos yang sama.Dulu kita sering bermain bersama juga dengan teman-teman yang lain. Sering juga kita jalan-jalan keluyuran pake motor ramai-ramai. Sayangnya, ketika masa tiga tahun SMP telah usai, saya tidak bisa melanjutkan SMA di kota saya, Jember. Saya memilih untuk mondok di Pacet, Mojokerto. Sedangkan Antok melanjutkan di salah satu SMA favorit di kota Jember.Begitu juga kebanyakan sobat-sobat saya yang lain. Namun itu bukan berarti kita ga bakal main-main seperti dulu. tiap liburan dan Lebaran, saya menyempatkan diri untuk berkumpul bersama kawan-kawan lama. Bersenda gurau lagi, cari warung lesehan murah lagi, dan juga menyantap bakso pedas favorit kami. Ah indahnya. Sekarang Antok sedang sibuk persiapan menghadapi Ujian Nasional dan Persiapan masuk perguruan tinggi. Sedangkan saya sedang berada di Amerika untuk pertukaran pelajar selama satu tahun. Dulu ketika SMP saya ingat betul apa yang menjadi motto saya, Antok dan teman saya lainnya, Andik dan Odik. motto itu adalah "Sukses Milik Kita". Kita berprinsip tidak terlalu membangga-banggakan kekayan orang tua seperti anak muda lainnya melainkan menggapai sukses dengan usaha kita sendiri.Itu berawal ketika kita melihat anak SMP dengan congkaknya membanggakan motor keren pemberian orang tuanya. Dari situlah "Sukses Milik Kita" lahir menjadi motto kita. hingga sekarang.

Balasan email dari antok tadi pagi
Alkisah, email dari antok cukup membuat saya senang.karena sudah lama saya tak mendengar kabarnya.kebetulan dia membaca blog ini dan sesegera mengirim email ke saya.
buat pembaca, sahabat terkadang menjadi sesuatu yang inspirasional


sincerely, Radiv Annaba, "a best friend"

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Begin A New Career : "A Guitarist"

A while ago, i did not know how to play any music instrument. As every human is growing up physically and mentally, i began to think about arts. A year ago, i tried to learn guitar. I don't have a guitar. What i did was, i borrowed my friend's guitar then i ask my friends who are able to play guitar to teach me and help me out playing guitar. The very beginning of my learning process, it was so hard! it was frustrating as well. I remembered a friend of mine, Bahtiar (one of my best friends) told and taught me that "to play guitar, is not a skill or talent that you need, but how you play it and who you play it for". It was a good moral lesson from Bahtiar. I applied it and I reveal the power of it. Eventually, i enjoy playing guitar eventhough not too often i played it. At Least i like it.

A year later, today, I am in the USA as an exchange student. I go to Wilson High School, Portland, Oregon. I am taking a beginning guitar class to be on of my classes. I still keep what Bahtiar told me. I have a great teacher to teach me, and great class mates as well that always bring an inspirational message to me.
My first guitar performance went really well and unexpected (read my previous article: "Mendadak Jadi Gitaris di Amerika"). My guitar teacher, Mr. Jolestead also said that i was awesome and my song that i brought made his day and he smiled all day long. i am so happy that day and began to do more and more.
And here are several pictures from my second guitar performance.enjoy! also i put some pictures of my classmates that were also performing today. thank you for reading this blog folks! :)

I played "Undisclosed Desires" by Muse

Jayme Figuerido, my friend from Brazil (also an exchange student)

Amy Reiner, my american class mate

Coldan, also my american classmate


Joseph Goldman

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Portland, My Second Home

Here are some pictures i've taken in Portland Oregon. I've been living in Portland since August for a such awesome exchange year through the end of June. Hope you enjoy it. i love this city so much and i wish i can come back to visit sometimes :)

downtown Portland view from the trem
my picture on the one of the bridges in Portland

a performance by a silver guy with a little girl laugh in front of him

the mall downtown

one of the streets

another street

the city library

a building

Portland streetcar

the bus

Hawthrone Bridge

here comes spring!

downtown Portland view from the other side

Friday, March 25, 2011

"Mencicipi" Air Laut Samudra Pasifik di Newport

halooooooooooo!!!!! apa kabar?hehe. Maklum saya terlampau gembira abis pulang dari rekreasi ke pantai (jangan berpikiran tentang BIKINI! Dilarang di blog ini!). Iya saya tau saya lagi di Amerika,bukan berarti bakal banyak bikini dong di pantai?haha.ingin tahu kenapa?
Selama tiga hari saya diajak host family saya ke Newport untuk menghabiskan waktu menikmati indahnya Lautan Pasifik di Oregon Coast. Jauh-jauh hari sebelum berangkat ke sana saya sudah diberi tahu kalo pantai di Samudra Pasifik Oregon dingin sekali cuacanya, apalagi airnya! seperti es gitu! sebenarnya judul artikel kali ini sedikit aneh dan ekstrem! ini si Radiv kenapa yak? kesamber petir? atau abis mimpi dicium Gita Gutawa (dulu saya ngefans sama Gita Gutawa waktu kelas 2 SMP di SMPN 2 Jember, terus teman saya si Antok ngefans sama Sherina) ? Haha enggak kok.

Dulu waktu kecil saya suka main ke pantai. Kebetulan kota saya, Jember punya pantai di laut selatan a.k.a. Samudra Hindia. Dulu waktu kecil saya sering main sama ombak yang sebenarnya sangat berbahaya dan berkemungkinan merengut nyawa saya.Dan juga saya sering secara tidak sengaja menelan air laut ketika dihempas ombak waktu berenang di pantai.hehe. dasar si Radiv. Anyways, selama tiga hari di Newport saya diajak keliling tempat-tempat wisata keren i.e. mercusuar,akuarium,museum Ripley's Believe it or Not, Wax Museum, terus menyaksikan jembatan kuno di Newport yang sangat popular dan merupakan tempat syuting film One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (dibintangi oleh Jack Nicholson, pemenang Oscar thn 1975). Kemudian dalam perjalanan pulang kita melewati jalan sepanjang samudra pasifik dan juga melakukan beberapa pemberhentian di pantai-pantai berpemandangan bagus i.e. (seperti,red) Cannon Beach. Nah, di Cannon Beach saya mencicipi air laut di Samudra Pasifik untuk pertama kalinya dalam hidup!! hehehe. Ternyata sama aja. Rasanya asin seperti garam.

simak beberapa foto yang saya dapat.semoga menginspirasi (saya nggak punya kamera SLR,mungkin  ga terlalu spesial foto-fotonya)
Burung Pelikan.Perhatikan yang di sebelah kiri

Saya lupa namanya apaan yang penting cantik

Saya tidak sedang berada di atas buaya laut.tapi buaya darat.hehe

Yaquina Head Light House. Mercusuar tertua dan tertinggi di Oregon state

Beberapa gambar yang saya lupa namanya lagi

Yang saya suka bukan foto saya melainkan gadis kecil bule di pojok kanan gambar.Unyuuuu

Newport Bridge

Newport bridge dan abaikan foto aneh saya ini

Harpa di Museum Ripley's Believe it or Not

Singa laut liar yang kebetulan nongol di dermaga Newport waktu saya lewat

Michael Jackson di Wax Museum (hanya replika)

sea stack

unyu picture

Haystack rock, Cannon Beach

Rambutku berantakan (apa deh)

itu dibaca :r4diV lAgy dI cAnNoN bEaCH